Land of the Giants

Well, Chronicles of Acadia, Book II, is out for beta reading! It's been a hell of an experience writing this one and I am excited to put it out there. Even better, today I wrote Chapter 1 of my other novel, A Dark Rising (this one is horror mwahaha). Anyhow, since I have accumulated such an amazing fan base already (not sure how you all got sucked into Acadia, but who am I to argue with the love?) I figured why not give you a little preview at what's in store? The cover reveal for Land of the Giants is above! Book 1 dealt primarily with the land of Vanidriell, where mankind carved out a new home in the core of the planet. In Book II we find our heroes confronted by monstrous creatures, lizard people, mages, and Belikar, the city of the ice giants? I don't want to give away too much, and there are a horde of other developments and run ins, so I'll just leave you with that. I know some of you have been asking, so we opened up the option to do a pre-order. Send me a message on our contact form and I will reserve a signed copy for you then send out the link when it goes live before they ship out.